Transcription of P967 — Esther

Papyrus 967 is an early witness to the text of the Translation of the Seventy — the Septuagint (LXX). The lines contain on average 24 characters shaped like 2-3rd century CE.

The whole story is less focused on the persons involved — their names and relatives — than it is in later manuscripts.

Colours used:
Red — misspelled
Green — spelling variation
Purple — deviate materially from the text of Ralph & Hahnhart (RH)
Blue — added or omitted in comparison with RH
Brownscale — sections displaced to the end in Jerome’s Vulgate
[Brighter — outside page or illegible and supplied from RH]

It was transcribed from these images.

A:1-6 (1/6)
[ετους δ]ευτερου βασιλευοντος [Year’s s]econd of reign (as king)
αρταξερξου του μεγαλου´ τη μια̣ of Artaxerxes The Great, the first
του μηνος1 ενυπνιον ειδον2 Μαρ of the month a dream saw Mor-
δοχαιος ο του ϊα̣ειρου του σεμεει decai the of Jair’s of Shime-
ου του κισαιου εκ της φυλης βενι i’s of Kish’s out of the tribe Benj-
αμειν´ ανθρωπος ϊουδαιος οικω_ amin, a man Jewish livin’
εν σουσοις τη πολει´ ανθρωπος in Susa the city, a man
μεγας θεραπευων εν τη αυλη great he is attending in the court
του βασιλεως´ ην δε εκ της αχμα king’s, was however from the capt-
λωσιας3 ην4 ηχμαλωτευσεν να ives was he captured Ne-
βουχοδονεσορ βασιλευς βαβυ buchadnezzar king Baby-
λωνος εξ ϊερουσαλημ μετα ϊε lon’s out of Jerusalem with Je-
χονιου του βασιλεως της ιουδα̣ι̣ας coniah’s the king of Judah
και τουτο αυτου το ενυπνιον [κ]αι and this his the dream [a]nd
ϊδου φωναι και θορυβος βρον look voices and noise rumb-
ται και σεισμος ταραχος επ̣ι̣ les and shaking tumult upon
γης´ και ϊδου δο5 δρακοντε[ς] μ[ε] earth, and look two reptile[s] g[r-]
γαλοι ετοιμοι´ προσηλθ[ον αμ] eate prepared, to advan[ce b-]
φοτεροι παλαιειν´ κ[αι εγενετο] oth wrestled, a[nd became]
αυτων φωνη μεγ̣α̣[λη και τη φω] their voice grea[te and the voi-]
νη αυτων ητο̣[ιμασθη παν εθνος] ce theirs was pr[epared whole people]
ει[ς πολεμον ωστε πολεμησαι] i[nto fight so that to fight]
δ̣ι[καιων εθνος και ιδου ημερα] ri[ghteous people and look a day]
1. Νισα
2. ειδεν
3. αιχμαλωσιας
4. ης
⸆ ο
⸆ της
5. δυο
A:12-17 (2/6)
ευνουχων του βασιλε[ως των] eunuchs of the kin[g that]
φυλασσοντων την α[υλην ηκου] guarding the co[urt-hall (he) hea]
σεν τε αυτων τους λογισμους κα̣ι̣ rd both their deliberations and
τας μεριμνας αυτων εξηραυ concerns their (he) found
νησεν´ και εμαθεν οτι ετοιμα out, and learned that (they) pre-
ζουσι1 τας χειρας αυτων επιβα pared the hands theirs to sei-
λειν αρταξερ̣ξη τω βαλει2´ και υ ze Artaxerxes the king, and (he)
πεδ̣ιξεν τω βασιλει περι αυ̣τ̣ω̣_ forewarned the king about the(m)
και εξητασεν ο βασιλευς τους and interrogated the king the
δυο ευνουχους και ομολογησαν two eunuchs and (they) conceding
τες εξηχθησαν3´ και εγραψεν ο were led out, and wrote the
βασιλευς τους λογους τουτους king the words these
εις μνημοσυνον´ και μαρδοχαι in remembrance, also Mordec-
ος εγραψεν περι των λογων ai wrote about events
τουτων´ καϊ επεταξεν ο βασι these, and appointed the ki-
λευς μαρδοχαιω θεραπευειν ng Mordecai to be an attendant
εν τη αυλη´ και εδωκεν αυτω in the court-hall, and (he) gave him
[δομ]ατα περι τουτων´ κα̣ι ην α [pay]ment for that, and (there) was Ha-
[μα]ν̣ αμαδαθου βουγαιος ενδο [ma]n Hammedatha’s (a) Bougaj estee-
[ξος εν]ωπιον του βασιλεως´ και [med in] presence of the king, and
[εζητησε]ν κακοποιησαι τον [(he) sought] (to) bully the
[μαρδοχαιο]ν και τον λα̣ον αυτ̣ο̣υ´ [Mordeca]i and the people his,
[υπερ των δυο] ευνου[χ]ων [το]υ [for sake of the two] eunu[ch]s of [th]e
[βασιλεως και εγενε]το̣ [μετα] [king and it happen] ed[after]
1. ετοιμαζουσιν
2. βασιλει
3. απηχθησαν
1:6-10 (3/6)
[και κα]ρπασινοις τεταμενοις επι [and l]inen tensioned bou-
σ̣χ̣ι̣νι̣οις1 βυσσινοις και πορφυροις nd up linen cloth and purple
επι κυβοις χρυσοις και αργυροις επι by cubes golden and silvery on
στυλοις παρεινοις και λιθοις2 κλει pillars marble and stony couch-
ναι χρυσαι και αργυραι´ επι λιθοστρω es golden and silvery, on paveme-
του ζμαραγδιτου λιθου και πιπι nt of emerald stone and mother of
νου3 και παρεινου λιθου και στρω pearl and marble stone and sofa-
μναι επιφανεις4 ποικιλως διην fabric translucent embroidered
τιςμεναι κυκλω’ ροδα πεπασμε with flowers around’ roses laid
να´ ποτηρια χρυσα και αργυρα´ και out, cups gold and silver, and
ανθρακιον5 κιλικιον6 προκειμε carbuncle cloth for show
νον απο ταλαντων τρισμυριων worth talents thirty thousand
οινος πολυς και ηδυς´ ον αυτος wine lots of and sweet, which himself
ο βασιλευς επινεν´ ο δε ποτος ου the king drank, the however drinking
τος ου κατα προκειμενον νομον this not according to published law
εγενετο´   ουτως δε ηθελησεν it happened,   so however desired
ο βασιλευς´ και επεταξεν τοις the king, and put on the
οικονομοις ποιησαι το θελημ̣[α] housholders to do the wil[l]
αυτου και των ανθρωπων [και] his and the people’s [and]
αστιν η βασιλεισσα επο̣[ιησε] Astin the queen arr[anged]
ποτον ταις γυναιξι??????7 βα] drinking the wome[n ?????? ki]
σιλ̣ευς αρταξερξη̣[ς εν δε τη η] ng Artaxerxe[s on however the d]
μ[ερα] τη εβδο̣[μη ηδεως γενομε] a[y] the seve[nth pleasantly beca]
νο̣[ς ο βασιλευς ειπεν τω αμαν] me [the king said to Haman]
1. σχοινιοις
2. λιθινοις
3. πιννινου
4. διαφανεις
5. ανθρακινον
6. κυλικιον = small glass
κιλικιον in the sense cloth is not so likely since it was a coarse kind of cloth used for sails (LSJ)
7. εν τοις βασιλειοις οπου ο
However only about 6 characters fit in.
1:15-19 (4/6)
κατους1 νομους ως δει πο̣ι̣[η̣σαι ] according to the laws as it is neces[sary ]
τη βασιλεισση´ οτι ουκ επο̣[ιησεν] the queen, that not d[id]
τα υπο του βασιλεως προσταχθεν that by the king ordain-
τα δια των ευνουχων´ και ειπεν ed through the eunuchs, and said
ο μουχα̣ιος προς τον βασιλεα και Mouchaios to the king and
τους α̣ρχοντας´ ου τον βασιλεα the generals, not the king
μο[νο]ν ηδικησεν η βασιλισσα´ o[nl]y injusticed the queen,
αλλα και παντας τους αρχοντας but also all the generals
και τους ηγουμενους του βασιλε and the leaders of the kin-
ως´ και επιδιηγησατο αυτοις τα g, and it has been related to them
ρημα̣τ̣α̣ της βασιλεισης´ και ως2 αν the statement of the queen, and how
τειπ̣ε̣ν̣ τω βασιλει αρταξερξη´ (she) defied the king Artaxerxes,
ουτως σημερον αι τυραννιδες therefore today the executive (wives)
αι λοιπαι των αρχοντων περ the others of the leaders Per-
σων και μηδων´ ακουσασαι τα sian’s and Mede’s, hearing what
[τ]ω βασιλει λεχθεντα υπ αυτης´ [th]e king was told by her,
[τολ]μησωσιν3 ομοιως ατιμασαι [(will) d]are in the same way to disdain
[τους] ανδρας εαυτων4´ ει ου5 δοκει [the]men theirs, so that if not pleases
[τω βασιλ]ει προσταξατω βασιλει [the kin]g (issue) command roy-
[κον και] γ̣ραφητω κατα τους νο [al and] write according to the l-
[μους μη]δ̣ων και περσων´ και [aws of Me]des and Persians, and
[μη αλλως χρη]σασθω και μη6 ει [not otherwise eng]age and not (may she)
[σελθατω ετι η βασιλισσα πρ]ος [enter even the queen t]o
[αυτον και την βασιλειαν αυ]της [him and the queenship h]er
1. κατα τους
⸆ αστιν
⸆ αστιν
2. (και γαρ διηγησατο αυτοις τα ρηματα της
βασιλισσης και ως αντειπεν τω βασιλει) ως ουν

3. τολμησουσιν
4. εαυτον
5. ουν
6. μηδε
2:2-6 (5/6)
[του βασιλεως ζη]τηθητω τω βα [of the king se]arched for the k-
[σιλει κορ]α̣σ̣ια αφθαρτα1 καλα τω [ing gi]rls of (lasting) quality good in
[ειδει]και κ̣αταστησει ο βασιλευς [appearance] an[d (he) will] appoint the king
κω̣μα̣ρχας εν πασαις χωραις της mayors in all lands of the
βασιλειας [α]υτου´ και επιλεξατω kingdom [h]is, and they elect-
σαν κορασ[ι]α παρθενια2 καλα τω ed gir[l]s maiden good in
ειδει εις σουσαν την πολιν appearance into Susa the city
εις τον γυναικωνα´ και παραδο into the harem, and handed them
θητωσαν τω ευνουχω του βα to the eunuch of the ki-
σιλεως τω φυλακι των γυναι ng that watches the har-
κων´ και δοθητω ζμημα3 και em, and they were given cosmetics and
η λοιπη επιμελεια και γυνη the other coddely-care and woman
η εαν4 αρεση τω βασιλει βασι the whichever pleased the king will re-
λευσει αντι αστιν´ και ηρεσεν ign in place of Astin, and pleased
τω βασιλει το πραγμα και εποι the king the matter and he did
ησεν ´ και ανθρωπος ην ιουδαιος (so) , and a man (there) was Jewish
εν σουσοις τη πολει´ και ονο[μα] in Susa the city, and nam[e]
αυτω μαρδοχαιος ο του ϊαειρ[ου] his Mordochai Jair[‘s]
του σεμεειου του κισιου̣ [εκ φυλης] Shimei’s Kish’s [of tribe]
βενεαμιν´ ος ην αιχ[μαλωτος] Benjamin, who was a ca[ptive]
εξ ϊερουσαλημ’ ον5[??????????] from Jerusalem ??[??????????]
[να]βουχοδονε[σορ βασιλευς] [Ne]buchadnes[sar king]
β[αβυλωνος]´[ και ην τουτω παις] B[abylonian],[ and was this child]
1. αφθορα
2. παρθενικα
3. σμηγμα expected to be spelled σζμηγμα or ζμηγμα see σμηγμασιν in verse 12.
⸆ η
4. αν
⸆ ουτως
5. ην ηχμαλωτευσεν
2:11-15 (6/6)
[καθ εκαστην δε ημεραν ο μαρ] [dayly however Mor-]
δοχαιος περιεπατ[ει ????1 συμ] dechai walked [by ???? turn]
βησεται´ ουτος δε [η̣]ν̣ [και]ρ̣[ος κορα] up, this however was [ti]m[e a gir-]
σιου εισελθιν προ[ς] τον βασιλεα l’s to enter t[o] the king
οταν επληρωσεν2 μηνας ιβ´ ου whenever fulfills months 12, there-
τως γαρ αναπληρ[ο]υνται αι ημε fore fullfill the days
ραι της θεραπειας μ̣ηνας εξ’ of treatment months six
αλειφομενα̣ι̣ εν σ̣ζ̣υρ̣ινω3 ελαιω getting anointed with myrrh oil
και μηνας εκ4 εν τοις αρωμασιν and months six with the perfumes
και εν τοις σζμηγμα̣σ̣ιν και το5 and with the cosmetics and the
ειςπορευονται6 πρ̣ος τον βασι getting led in to the king,
λεα´ και ω7 εαν ειπη παραδωσι8 and to whoever he talked to they would fasten
αυτην9 συνερχεσθαι10 αυτω11 απο her to escort for him from
του γυναικο̶ωνος εως των βα the harem to the ki-
σιλειων δειλης εισπορευεται ng in the afternoon enters
και προς ημεραν αποτρεχει and towards the (new) day (she) runs away
εις τον γυναικωνα τον δευτε into the harem the sec-
[ρ]ον ου γαι ο ευνουχος του βασι [o]nd where Gai the eunuch of the k-
[λ]εως ο φυλαξ των γυναικων [i]ng (is) the watcher of the harem
[κα]ι̣ ουκετι εισπορευεται προς [an]d no more enters to
[τον βα]σιλεια12 εαν μη κληθη [the pa]lace unless called (upon)
[ονοματι]´ εν δε τω αναπληρουσθαι [by name], in however the fullfillment
[τον χρον]ον εσθηρ του13 εισελθιν [of tim]e Ester of going in
[προς τον βα]σιλεα´ ουδεν ηθετη̣ [to the ki]ng, without nulli-
[σεν ων αυτη] ενετιλατο [ο ευ]νο̣υ [fied of that to her] enumerated [the eu]nu-
[χος ο φυλας των γυναικων η]ν̣/ [ch that watched the harem wa]s/
1. κατα την αυλην την γυναικειαν επισκοπων τι Εστηρ
2. αναπληρωση
3. σμυρνινω
4. εξ
⸆ των γυναικων
5. τοτε
6. εισπορευεται
7. ο
8. παραδωσει
9. αυτη
10. συνεισερχεσθαι
11. αυτη
12. βασιλεα
13. της θυγατρος Αμιναδαβ αδελφου πατρος Μαρδοχαιον

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